Hmmm, after I typed in that title, I realized that totally sounds like my 6th grader. I must be hanging out with him too much. When my next blog is called, "lets beast up this bossness", I'll know for sure that I've been hanging out with 6th grade boys too much.
The "everybody else is doing it" that I'm talking about is blogging. Being that we just got a computer at our house in December of 2011 (yes, you read that correctly- 2011), I had no idea that everybody had a blog. I've always meant to keep a journal but have been a little less than faithful with it, ie, about a week tops in my current longest journaling streak. I'm not writing this for it to actually be a famous blog or anything like that. There's just things I'd like to remember. Things I'd like my kids to know. Things that I think I should write down so maybe it'll help me- you know, cheap therapy. We'll see. Maybe this will last 8 days. It's my birthday, so I figure there's no time like the present.
My blog's title is not my own. This theme verse was stolen from my sister-in-law, Wendy. She died on May 18, 2011. I miss her. "Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." She was these things. She has on a bracelet right now with Romans 12:12 engraved on it, and her three daughters each have one to match. This verse will always make me think of her, and its words are something I need to remember every day, so it seemed like a good blog title. I wrote a bit of an essay about Wendy a couple of months before she died. I'll probably never put it on here because frankly, it is a bit depressing, and I don't want remember that part. I want to think about the happy. We had lots and lots of happy.
So for my debut blog, what should I write? It's super late, and I'm super tired, so I'm thinking I won't get too deep and philosophical. Ok, truth be told, I'm doubting I'm ever too deep and philosophical. Frankly, I don't even know if I'm spelling it right.
I think I decided to start this because of a conversation I had with a friend tonight. We're trying to decide whether God would have us go on a mission trip with our church this summer. Discerning the will of God. That doesn't seem too deep; I think I'll go with that. No, we actually discussed how there have been times in our lives when God absolutely slaps us in the face with things that we know could only come from Him. We decided He has to do this because we're not too bright or we're stubborn or doubters or something of the sorts that we shouldn't be. Anyway, I get so excited when it happens. Sadly, I think it would happen lots more to me if I would stay in His Word like I should all the time and really seek Him like I should. But as I was saying, she called tonight to tell me what's going on with her and some things God has shown her this week about the trip. She laid out her fleece (which I really had no clue about), and He has shown her awesome things this week. I'm totally stealing her story for this blog at some point. Wonder if it's wrong to steal people's spiritual stuff? I've stolen Wendy's verse and my friend's story. I'll call it borrowing. That sounds better, especially for spiritual stuff.
I just have a lot of these times in my life, and I'm afraid I'll forget. I want them documented so when there are times in my life when I just don't feel like I can see Jesus, there will be reminders. It's like Joshua's stones of remembrance. Ooooo- that would have been a cool blog title. Darn, too late. After they crossed the Jordan, they set up 12 stones where the ark had crossed to remember what God had done for them. I'm going to set up a blog of remembrance or at least try to a little. I want my kids to see how God worked in our family's life when they were little. That's a lot that I want to do with this blog. I want to point to Jesus.
I also want to remember the crazy. My kids are a little crazy. I'm a little crazy. My husband....well, he's a little gray, probably from all the crazy. I just want to remember all the fun.
So, I guess this is the beginning. I hope it'll last, but even if it doesn't, I can say I've blogged once and if for no other reason....just because everybody else is doing it.